How Can I Get A Temporary Restraining Order?

Restraining Order SPECIALISTS, AttorneyS At Law

What is the procedure for getting a Temporary restraining order?

Restraining orders must be gotten through the court system and they begin with a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO). This is typically conducted through the Family Part of the Chancery Division of the Superior Court in the county court system. You can file a request in the county where you live, where the abuse has taken place or where the abuser lives. The forms must be filled out carefully and the details of the incidences prompting the request should be recounted. Wait to sign the paperwork because you may need it to be notarized or signed in front of the clerk. 

A TRO may be granted immediately if the court deems it as a necessary protection of health or well-being. A TRO can be filed in person or in the complainants absence with a sworn testimony or the sworn testimony of a representative should that be necessary. Generally TROs are filed in person and there must be a reason for this absence for the court to grant an immediate TRO. 

Temporary restraining orders are handled the same day they are filed and require only that the person asking for the restraining order (also called the petitioner) sign the request or testimony under penalty of perjury. The grounds for a restraining order to be granted typically involve some type of harassment, violence, property damage, stalking or other intimidating or abusive behavior. 

Read The Full Guide to Filing A Temporary RestraininG Order

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